Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Church History - Part V

Church History - Part V

As mentioned in Part IV, Joyce and I returned to Faith Bible Church in November, 1998.  With the passing of five years, much had changed but we both agreed that if we returned to FBC, we would never be divisive and keep our complaints to ourselves.  There was still a nucleus of the 'old-timers' but they were definitely in the minority.  Scott Overbey had come on board in 1994 and is now the Executive Pastor.  Mark Hitchcock is an excellent Bible expositor and has focused on Biblical Prophecy (not the kind of prophecy that caused the split) while working with Tim LaHaye and Tommie Ice.  He has written several books on the end times and is a much in demand speaker in the end-times circles.  I don't recall the Sunday School class that we attended at first but in July, 2000, David Cotten came on board as the Pastor-Senior Adults.  Anthropomorphically, the group or class was known as the 50+ group but most of us were a little ways noth of 50.

We had known David Cotten from the late 1970's at Metropolitan Baptist Church and came to love him dearly.  His teaching style would be best defined as 'repeat-repeat-repeat' and we learned much about the life of Jesus Christ.  Periodically, social groups would be formed to try to incorporate some type of body-life that would strengthen the bonds of the members and let us become more deeply involved in each others lives.  These were, indeed, fun times but did not meet spiritual needs on a deeper plane, at least, not to the level that I desired.  Part of the problem was me but Joyce and I found ourselves longing for the closeness of the original FBC which will probably never be found this side of glory.  Mark and I discussed the lack of body-life but nothing was done to try to improve it.  FBC became more and more traditional and this was very disheartening.  We were seeking a spiritual closeness in 1981 when we first came to FBC but it was obvious that we would never experience that again .

I wrote letters and even attended elder meetings more that once to discuss the lack of body-life but I felt that my message fell on deaf ears.  The 'open-meeting' died a slow death after Mark came and totally disappeared after the church split due to a lack of support.  Small groups were discussed but never pursued vigorously.  Over the years, other staff was added:  Todd Lance as Worship Pastor in June, 2003; Jay Risner as the first Youth Pastor in 2003 (now serving as Associate Pastor); John Frawley as the Student Ministries Pastor in September; 2008, and Ron Morrow as the Venue Worship Pastor in September, 2010.  I bought too deeply into Russ' teaching that there was no biblical basis for the separation of the clergy and the laity in the local church and am of the opinion (along with several others who still attend FBC) that it is a dangerous thing to give too much power to the 'clergy'.

All of that being said, Faith Bible Church has been a significant part of any spiritual growth that has occurred in my life over the past 30 years and God has used FBC to reach many unbelievers and to hasten the sanctification of his elect.  I strongly believe that the ruling body of a local assembly is a multiplicity of elders and we are to submit to their authority.  One point that I tried to make during my time with the elders was that it was difficult to submit to someone with whom you were not acquainted and I urged more elder involvement with the 'laity'.  Again, my opinion is that this fell on deaf ears. 

Since October of 2010, we have been attending another church that I am convinced God led us to by his Holy Spirit.  Is it perfect? No, there is no perfect church but the word is taught biblically and the church is much smaller.  It is difficult to get to know people but we are making the effort and have peace about our decision.  We do terribly miss many at FBC and still have some contact with them and will spend eternity with those whom God has chosen for himself since before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4)  My church history is still being written and will be until God calls me home.  Much more could be said but I am desirous to keep the promise that Joyce and I made of never causing division within the body of Christ.  Pray for us.

Psalm 90:14
Satisfy us in the morning with your lovingkindness, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

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