Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Marriage Tips for Men

Marriage Tips for Men based on 47 Years of Personal Experience

The above pictures show my wife, Joyce, 1) when she was about 16, 2) right after we got married (June 18, 1966), and 3) just before she retired in June of 2012.  Do the math.  We just celebrated our 47th anniversary (not golden but titanium as in TaylorMade golf driver) last month and I would be remiss if I didn’t share a few of the observations that I have decided to be very important in maintaining some semblance of harmony in a long-term relationship such as marriage.  These may or may not work for you guys because it also requires a very special partner with which God has blessed me.

1.       Don’t ever leave the toilet seat up.

2.      Don’t offer the remote to your wife just because Soccer is the current sports season.  She sees your insincerity.

3.      When a cross word is spoken, walk away and do not respond for a minimum of fifteen minutes unless it is an emergency.  You will be amazed how quickly the issue disappears.

4.      When you experience the results of her forgetfulness, wait five minutes.  You will have forgotten the event yourself.

5.      When enumerating all of those things that drive you up the wall, remember you have driven her over a cliff by your actions long ago.

6.      Never complain about her purchases or shopping habits. ‘Nuf said.

7.      She really is a better driver than you.  Not!

8.      Never complain about her snoring.  That means she is still breathing.  Praise God for her snoring and roll over the other way.

9.      Stop being amazed that she orders the same thing you do when you eat out and that she finishes your sentences and you agree on most issues.  You truly have become one over the years.

10.  Pretend that chick-flicks are better than westerns.

11.  If she even hints that you are getting low on milk, drive to Braums before she finishes the sentence.

12.  Study the Bible daily together and pray daily together.  This will increase the level of intimacy between you to heights that you have never experienced.

I could go on and probably will later but remember the four C’s.  Communicate, Cherish, Commitment, and Christ.