Monday, December 26, 2011

After Christmas Thoughts

The presents have been opened (I'm sure we all got things that we desperately wanted or needed), the wrapping paper has been bagged up and placed in the already-full blue trash cart which is then wheeled to the curb for the regular Monday pickup, and now it is time to box up the Christmas tree for another year.  I hope I don't sound too cynical but will we think of the manger scene prior to the next yule season?  The miracle that was accomplished in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago was part of the most incredible story ever told.  GOD became a man.  Can our finite minds really understand this?  I think not!  But, history records it and by faith, we embrace it.  Grace and mercy were born and were nailed to a cross some thirty-three years later so that we might live forever.  If we tried to develop our own plan for immortality, it would probably be a little different from that one.  Ours would probably look like the plans that have been adopted by so many other religions.  Work really hard, live a good life, obey the rules, and hope you have done enough before you leave this planet.

I still remember Brooke Shields talking about Michael Jackson sitting on the crescent moon looking down on us after his untimely demise that was more self-inflicted than most would like to admit.  Just what did MJ (not Michael Jordan although he will probably be similarly remembered someday) do that earned his seat on the moon?  Made a lot of money, made a tingle run up and down the bodies of his followers, tried to turn from black to white (only MJ knows if he made it), hopefully paid a lot of taxes that our government wastes with no thought for tomorrow, and died a very lonely death.  Friends, that only earns you a seat in one location and it ain't called heaven.

In November, Joyce and I completed a DVD series called "The Truth Project" produced by Focus on the Family.  The main thrust obviously was truth and biblical worldview.  I have just finished reading a book by George Barna entitled "Think Like Jesus" which covers much the same topics.  His definition of a biblical worldview includes seven questions that must be answered and they are:
  1. Does God exist?
  2. What is the character and nature of God?
  3. How and why was the world created?
  4. What is the nature and purpose of humanity?
  5. What happens after we die on earth?
  6. What spiritual authorities exist?
  7. What is truth?
None of these are easily or quickly answered.  The author states that his experience indicates that churches who focus on this topic report that it takes a minimum of five years for believers to begin to grasp the answers to these questions and to apply them on a daily basis in every facet of their lives.  That is both encouraging and discouraging.  How many of us have five years left?  How much time is required to accomplish the tasks in five years?  Does it really matter?

Not having the gift of prophecy (the fore-telling one), all that I am sure of is that a Christian that brings ultimate glory to God should try to possess a biblical worldview.  This person will have a leg up on what is going on in the world and be so much more deeply rooted in his faith if he understands life from God's perspective which is contained only in his word.  I will end this blog with a quote from "Think Like Jesus."  I pray that all believers would think like Jesus in the days ahead.

"To be an authentic Christian is to accept that God is the Creator of all things, the indisputable Ruler of the universe, and the One who gave us life and purpose --- the purpose of loving and obeying Him, and of loving and serving other people, and of living in accordance to the guidelines he provided in the Bible and in concert with the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit that He instills within us once we surrender fully to Him.  It is at that point that we see the world for what it is and invest our time and energy in trying to think like Jesus so we can behave like Jesus --- all so that we might please and honor God. 

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, what better way is there to express your reverence for God than to commit yourself to thinking like Jesus?"

Comments and questions are welcomed. Sole Deo Gloria.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Thoughts

Time flies when you are nearing three score and ten.  An even bigger problem is that you can't remember what occurred during the flight!  Haven't blogged in a month and a half.  No excuse except that I have been busy researching and reading in preparation for writing a paper dealing with Christianity and how it compares to another ever-growing religion of our day.  Anyhow, here are some thoughts that have whizzed through my head lately.  You can determine the sanity and/or profoundedness of them.

  • Why do we give food baskets only on Thanksgiving.  Are these people not hungry the other 364 days?
  • Juxtapose that thought with our focus on Christmas presents for needy families at this season.  Does no one care the rest of the year?
  • Is Black Friday the opposite of Good Friday?  Gifts, anyone?
  • Am I the only person I know that can do my Christmas shopping in two hours counting travel time?  Maybe another thirty minutes on-line to make sure no one was left out!
  • Do I still dread the Christmas season because my father passed away in December 1960 and I still carry guilt from not being in a close relationship with him?
  • SInce I don't believe in New Year's Resolutions, why do I start thinking around Christmas of all of the things I will do better/differently next year?  Why not start December 26 if I am serious about those improvements? Topics include self-discipline in a myriad of areas:  food, exercise, idleness, prayer, Bible study, witnessing, journaling (blogging), serving others, focusing more on God and others than me, etc.
  • SInce Joyce is retiring at the end of next June, what changes will we be making both individually and as a couple?
  • Are the Republicans just as incompetent as the Democrats?
  • Will we survive another fours years of Obama?
  • Will I continue to attend too many funerals and is mine scheduled for 2012?
  • Sammy turns 14 next year and Charlie and Mollie turn 9.  Are three dogs too many?
  • Will Joyce and I need to occupy our storm shelter that was just installed on 12-19?
Well, I could go on and on but some of my thoughts scare even me.  My latest book is "Think Like Jesus" by George Barna.  If I can get my focus properly aligned with the life of Christ, all of these issues will be of no significance.  Ran across a picture that fit perfectly some of my prayer thoughts of the past few weeks.  Hope you enjoy it and that you have a Merry CHRISTmas.