Thursday, December 6, 2012


I am scheduled for knee replacement surgery at 11:00 AM tomorrow, December 7, at McBride Hospital on the Broadway Extension and Britton Road in OKC.  I was first recommended for replacement surgery in 2007 but chose arthroscopic (Feb '07) on my left knee.  The pain was gone for about five months and later included my right knee.    I had weekly injections of Orthovisc for three straight weeks in both knees in Mar '08 and seemed to help a little (probably psychological more than physical).  Took Celebrex and Aleve periodically when the pain was worse but continued to pretty much play as much golf as I wanted.  Also began water aerobics and training on a recumbent cross-trainer bike several times a week.  Dieted and lost 50 lbs (put about 20 back on) in 2010 and pain was manageable most of the time.  Dr Yates gave me a three-in-one injection of Synvisc in both knees in Oct '10 and helped a little.

Returned for exam in July '12 as pain seemed to be worsening.  Dr Yates said that there was some deforming occurring in right knee and recommended that I not continue to delay replacement surgery.  Called in September to schedule surgery for December because I already was scheduled for an annual checkup with my cardiologist in November.  Also required a checkup and blood work from my regular doctor which was completed the same week.  Came through all pre-op checkups with flying colors and have attended two pre-op meetings at McBride so in approximately 24 hours I should be getting prepped for the surgery.  On Wednesday night our fellowship group laid hands on me and prayed for me at the end of our sharing time.  I have peace  and the knowledge that God's will shall come to pass in the days ahead.  I Cor 15:10a says:  By the grace of God, I am what I am.  This is all that any believer can stand on.  Salvation is all of God.  Pray for me and that God will be glorified in my life.  Here is a gross picture of my knees - thought you needed a good laugh at some bow-legs.

Have you stopped laughing yet?

After the surgery on Friday, I am supposed to be dismissed from the hospital on Monday and begin physical therapy on Tuesday.  I will go every day the first week and then three days a week for the next three weeks and then reevaluate.  Estimates for my next game of golf are three-six months so pray also for my patience and that I don't rush things.  I will work as hard as I can to be obedient to the doctors and therapists and hope that the strengthening of my knees over the years will be of some advantage in the rehab.  If this is TMI, I apologize but I gotta blog when the thoughts come.  If not, my blogger will get clogged and the world will miss out on my blogship..................


  1. How did it go and how are you feeling?

  2. Just finished second day of rehab. I think the surgery may have been the easiest part. Will blog future progress Thanks

  3. Hello uncle Dwayne, hope your surgery went well as I am sure it did when God is involved. Give me a buzz and let's catch up, 501-4713.
