Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!
Several years ago, Joyce walked into a room at the Family Birth Place and some gentleman said: "Oh, we've been rejoiced". He was indicating that the nurse on the previous shift that was attending his grandchild's mother was also named Joyce. Oh, that we were all so clever. I indeed have been rejoiced because of Joyce. We recently (June 18) celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary which was followed by a trip to Dallas this past Wednesday for a concert by Il Divo. (I know $250 each is a lot to pay for tickets but as I said after we had seen them in San Antonio in 2009 - This is a once in a lifetime occurrence!)
Since this is the week of Joyce's retirement after 46 years in the Nursing profession, I thought I would create a short bio to share with those who have not been as fortunate as me. Joyce has always been more interested in the Bible than me and has spent many years in Bible Study Fellowship, most of which were as a discussion leader. This year we are studying the Bible together each day and it has been some of the most intimate and rewarding times of our entire married life together. Remember that old saying - We are too soon old and too late smart! I praise God for Joyce's committment to Bible study and am now experiencing those same joys of digging deeply into the Word of God. Try it, you'll like it! Now for the bio. Will give short comments on each photo to try to cover the last fifty or so years of Joyce's life.
In high school, probably 16 or 17. What a beauty! |
Joyce's dad, brother, her, and her mother about the same time. |
Off to college at Okla Baptist University in 1962. |
School days including capping ceremony at OBU. |
One of our early dates at a nursing banquet held at Glen's Hickry Inn in OKC. The redhead in the foreground is my buddy, Larry Busby, who lined me up with my first (blind) date with Joyce. He is still my friend although he lives in Montana. |
Graduation from OBU in 1966. Our date picture was a little earlier. |
One of the best days of my life! |
Mr and Mrs Walker...................June 18, 1966 |
The beautiful bride and ????? groom. |
Our wedding picture taken in August, 1966 by Joyce's dad. |
Honeymoon in August, 1966. Check out the NEW yellow convertible! |
Honeymoon picture from somewhere. |
November 3, 1972 in parking lot of old Wesley (now Presbyterian) Hospital. We adopted Mike as a newborn but he was premature (birth weight 3lb, 14 oz) and had to stay in the hospital for 29 days. Dr Atkinson assisted in the adoption process. |
Then there were three. |
December 3, 1975. We had a one day notice from our attorney and adopted Sheri at ten months of age. |
Sometime in 1976 |
Probably 1977
1979? |
1980 |
1986-7 |
1989-90 |
Joyce with her dad, mother, and brother |
1991 |
25th anniversary surprise party engineered by me. June, 1991 |
The Walkers - 1991 |
Christmas 2011 with granddaughter, Kaylee |
Nurse extraordinare! As beautiful as ever! |
Good-bye Mercy (sob) |
I'm sure Joyce can correct any of the dates that are not accurate but I am within a year or two on most. Joyce has worked most shifts during her career. When we first married, she was working 11-7. She would pull up in the driveway coming home from work and I would walk out the door to go to work. At least we had the evenings together. She worked a while as a supervisor at Presbyterian. There have been times when she didn't work at all, when she worked full-time, and also when she worked part-time.
Regardless of schedule, shift, or location, I can say without a doubt that Joyce has been the most dependable employee that I have ever encountered. She would have to almost be deathly ill to call in sick or recovering from one of her many surgeries. Dedication - thy name is Joyce. She is retiring with a great deal of ambivalence because of the many relationships that have been established over the almost 23 years at Mercy. Her identity is as a nurse. I told her the other day, she could get up a couple of days a week and put on scrubs to walk around the house but I am not sure that went over very well.
I have been retired for almost six years and have gotten pretty good at doing the laundry. She hasn't said anything about taking those duties back, so I am holding my breath. Our relationship, love, and support for one another is at a level today that far surpasses any of the previous years. We are not only mates, bed-partners, and best friends; we are brother and sister in Jesus Christ as a part of the family of God. That relationship will last forever. Our marriage has been sustained by the mercy of our Sovereign God and all glory and praise go to him. I look forward to spending the fourth quarter of our lives together and pray often that we will finish well.
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